

Avoid Drug, Doctor, and Disease - A Changing Concept of Healthcare




1.     A Brief Outline of the Advancing Medical Care Scene. In the quickly changing scene of medical care, the elements among patients and clinical experts are going through a groundbreaking movement. Gone are the days when people exclusively depended on the ability of specialists; Today, the coming of reputable online learning platforms like Google and YouTube has democratized wellbeing data. As we explore the intricacies of current medication, it turns out to be progressively significant to perceive the force of informed decisions in forming our prosperity. Conventional ordered progressions in medical care, where patients latently got mandates from specialists, are being supplanted by a more cooperative model. This shift enables people to effectively take part in choices about their well-being, cultivating a feeling of pride over their prosperity.  


2.     Importance of Informed Choices in Medical Decisions. Informed decisions stand as the foundation of this medical care advancement. Grasping the ramifications of clinical choices, addressing treatment choices, and effectively looking for information have become indispensable parts of keeping up with one's well-being. In a world immersed with data, the capacity to recognize trustworthy sources and settle on informed choices has turned into fundamental expertise for each person. This presentation makes way for an excursion into the domain of medical care where the story will unfurl, uncovering the difficulties and wins related to embracing a more dynamic and informed way to deal with clinical choices.  


The Changing Dynamics of Doctor-Patient Relationship  


3.     Traditional Perceptions of Medical Knowledge. In the traditional model of healthcare, medical knowledge was often perceived as an exclusive domain of doctors. Patients would entrust their well-being to the expertise of healthcare professionals, relying on their guidance without actively participating in the decision-making process. This hierarchical structure created a sense of dependency, where patients followed prescribed treatments without necessarily understanding the rationale behind them.  


4.    Rise of Reputable Online Learning Platforms. With the advent of reputable online learning platforms, particularly the widespread use of platforms like YouTube, the dissemination of health information has undergone a revolutionary change. Information that was once confined to medical offices and textbooks is now accessible to anyone with reputable online learning platforms. These platforms have become a hub for health-related content, with experts, patients, and enthusiasts sharing insights, experiences, and research findings. This democratization of information challenges the traditional power dynamics, allowing individuals to access a wealth of knowledge that was previously reserved for healthcare professionals. As a result, patients are no longer passive recipients but active seekers of information, turning to reputable online learning platforms to better understand their health conditions, treatment options, and potential risks.  


5.     The Need for Individuals to Take an Active Role in Their Health. Amid this transformation, there arises a compelling need for individuals to take a more active role in their health. Empowerment through knowledge becomes a powerful tool in navigating the complexities of medical decisions. Patients are encouraged to question, engage, and participate in discussions about their health, fostering a collaborative relationship with their healthcare providers. The shift towards active involvement is not about undermining the expertise of doctors but rather recognizing the shared responsibility in healthcare decision-making. This part of the narrative highlights the evolving dynamics between doctors and patients, where information is no longer a one-way street but a collaborative exchange, setting the stage for a more informed and engaged approach to healthcare.  


The Impact of Pharmaceutical Industry  


6.     Openness to Possible Deceits in Medical Studies. As we dive further into the elements molding medical services, a basic focal point should be applied to the impact of the drug business on clinical examinations. Ongoing disclosures have uncovered cheats inside these examinations, bringing up issues about the trustworthiness of the data that shapes the premise of clinical choices. Occasions where studies might have been controlled or one-sided for monetary interests, cast a shadow on the dependability of specific clinical practices.  


7.     Impact of Drug Companies on Medical Research and Publications. The drug business' significant effect on clinical exploration and distribution could not be more significant. The monetary ties among specialists and medication organizations have at times compromised the objectivity of studies, slanting outcomes for explicit meds or medicines. The impact of these organizations on clinical diaries and distributions has suggestions for the data that arrives at medical services experts and, subsequently, patients.  


8.    Call for Transparency and Skepticism in Interpreting Medical Information. Considering these disclosures, a resonating call for straightforwardness and distrust arises. It becomes basic for both medical services experts and people, in general, to move toward clinical data with a basic eye. Straightforwardness in research subsidizing, exposure to irreconcilable situations, and a consciousness of the monetary inspirations driving specific examinations become vital components in guaranteeing the honesty of clinical data.  


The Role of Young Doctors in the Healthcare Revolution  


9.    Encouraging Continuous Learning Beyond Conventional Sources. In the moving scene of medical care, youthful specialists wind up at the forefront of a progressive change. The customary thought of clinical schooling exclusively through reading material and laid out standards is being tested. Youth specialists are urged to set out on an excursion of nonstop picking up, reaching out past the limits of customary sources. Embracing a mentality of ceaseless training guarantees that they stay dynamic and receptive to the developing requests of the field.  


10.      Leveraging Smart Skills from Platforms on Reputable Online Learning Platforms. In this time of fast data spread, youthful specialists are called upon to use brilliant abilities accessible on reputable online learning platforms. Perceiving the force of visual and intelligent mediums, these experts can use the latest reputable online learning platforms to upgrade their comprehension and pass complex clinical ideas on to a more extensive crowd. The democratization of clinical information through reputable online platforms engages the two specialists and patients with open and extensive data.  


11.      The Significance of Remaining Refreshed with New Data. Remaining at the bleeding edge of clinical headways is fundamental for youthful specialists. The content accentuates the job of stages like YouTube in giving new, state-of-the-art data past what customary sources might offer. This emphasis on remaining refreshed is not simply about aggregating information but guaranteeing that clinical experts are outfitted with the most recent experiences, strategies, and forward leaps. The quickly developing nature of medical services requires a pledge to progress training and a proactive way to deal with remaining informed.  


Challenging Earlier Health Research  


12.       Critical Analysis of Earlier Cardiology Studies. Delving into the annals of cardiology, a critical analysis unfolds, revealing the intricacies of earlier studies that have shaped medical practices. This scrutiny is not intended to undermine the contributions of past research but to subject them to a meticulous examination. By dissecting earlier cardiology studies, we aim to discern the nuances, limitations, and potential biases that may have influenced medical recommendations and treatment protocols.  


13.     Unveiling the Methodology of Past Health Research. The veil is lifted on the methodologies employed in past health research, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of how studies were conducted. By unraveling the intricacies of research methods, we gain insight into the potential sources of bias or oversight. This section seeks to demystify the processes behind earlier health research, providing a transparent view of the factors that may have influenced the outcomes of these studies.  


14.    The Consequences of Blindly Following Medications. A critical juncture in our exploration is the examination of the consequences stemming from blindly following medications based on earlier research. The script highlights instances where individuals, guided by the recommendations of the time, may have unwittingly subjected themselves to treatments with unforeseen repercussions. The consequences of such blind adherence to medical advice serve as a cautionary tale, prompting a reevaluation of how we approach and trust medical recommendations.  


The Rise of Healthy Lifestyle Approaches  


15.    Introduction of Alternative Approaches to Health. Against traditional medical approaches, a refreshing wave of alternative methods is gaining prominence in healthcare. This section introduces the concept of embracing alternative approaches to health, emphasizing the need to move beyond reliance on medications alone. The narrative explores how lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and holistic wellness practices are gradually taking center stage in the pursuit of well-being.  


16.       Focus on Recent Cardiology and Nutritionist Studies Challenging Earlier Methodologies. A pivotal shift in our understanding of health emerges as recent studies conducted by cardiology and nutrition experts challenge the methodologies of their predecessors. By focusing on these contemporary studies, the narrative unveils a paradigm where alternative approaches gain validation. The critical analysis of these studies questions earlier methodologies and provides evidence for the efficacy of lifestyle modifications in preventing and managing health conditions.  


17.       The Logicality and Benefits of Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle. The logical and inherent benefits of adopting a healthy lifestyle are explored in this section. Drawing on the findings of recent research, the narrative illustrates how lifestyle choices directly impact health outcomes. From dietary considerations to incorporating regular exercise, the logicality of these choices is presented as a viable and sustainable approach. The benefits extend beyond mere physical health, encompassing mental well-being and overall quality of life. This segment of the narrative paints a picture of a healthcare landscape that is evolving towards a more holistic and proactive approach. By introducing alternative approaches, challenging earlier methodologies, and emphasizing the logicality of healthy lifestyle choices. The narrative encourages readers to explore comprehensive well-being beyond the confines of traditional medical interventions.  


Personal Experiences and Recommendations  


18.    Personal Experience. The Founder and Director of Content Managers received a heart attack in June 2009 when he was 54. He was evacuated to the National Institute of Heart Diseases (NIHD) in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. In the process of angiography, it revealed that there were four blockages needing stents. So, four stents were placed. After a gap of three months, another heart attack came and again he was inserted with one more stent. He felt better and was kept on medication, taking a handful of tablets daily. Till that time, he had no other health issues except heart blockages being dealt with. In April 2014, he was hit again by yet another heart attack. By then, he had developed Diabetes Type 2, Fatty Liver, Prostate Enlargement, and other minor issues that may be because of the side effects of medication. During Angiography in NIHD, it was revealed that the Right Coronary Artery (RCA) was 100% blocked. Attempted Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), in stent restenosis (ISR) with guide wire could not pass through the lesion. Therefore, he was left at the mercy of medication to open the blockage with a substantial increase in the volume of the medicines.  


19.    From April 2014 till 2016, with the administration of a handful of medicines, his health started deteriorating day by day. Diabetes Type 2, Liver disorder, and other minor problems started getting a serious turn. And he kept going to his lower ebb day by day.  


20.    On 15 December 2016, he had a profoundly serious heart attack leading to incapacitation. Was rushed to NIHD, Rawalpindi. After his stabilization, angiography revealed RCA 100% blocked, Center Artery (LX) 70% blocked, and Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD) 90% blocked. A Thallium Scan also confirmed the same and he was recommended Heart Bypass. The Bypass surgery was risky, which is why no heart surgeon was happily ready to undertake the surgery. So, he started getting opinions from different Cardiovascular Experts for heart bypass surgery. Meanwhile, on 20 December 2016, one of his friends who came to see him told him to use pomegranate seeds (Locally known as ANAR DANA) to open the arteries. He was told to take about 40 grams of pomegranate seeds (Anar Dana) and soak them in two glasses of water at night. In the morning, boil the same till about one glass of liquid is left. Stain it and drink the liquid in a lukewarm (neem garam) state on, an empty stomach, once daily. He started using this prescription daily and astonishingly he started feeling better and better. After using this recipe, he got out the bed after a few days and after about 15 days (about 2 weeks), he started going to his office. Every day was better than the previous day. On 24 February 2017, he was admitted to Army Cardiac Centre Lahore Pakistan) for a Heart Bypass.  


21.    Although he was feeling fit and could negotiate stairs also, he still wanted to undertake the recommendations of the Cardiovascular experts to go for a heart bypass. From 24 February 2017 to 4 March 2017 (About 9 Days), he was not operated upon. On creating outcry, for not being operated on, he was told that his case was to be discussed by a board of experts on 5 to decide about the surgery. Finally, it was decided to perform angiography again to decide on heart bypass surgery. On 6 March 2017, during angiography all the three arteries which were 100%, 70%, and 90% blocked, were found open miraculously. During this procedure, only two stents in RCA, inserted in 2009, were narrowed and inflated with two new stents. By the Grace of God, on 7 March 2017, he got out of the hospital and recovered from a heart problem without heart surgery. To date, it is fit and fine not only from the heart point of view but also got rid of Diabetes type 2, Liver, and other minor ailments. Prostate problems are also under control because of home remedies in use. Since 2017, he started getting to know the home remedies to treat various health issues and was completely successful. Now 68 years of age, he is fit and fine. It was all possible because of the Healthy Keto Diet, and regular exercise, and lifestyle changes. Inspired by his success, he got into research, where he followed the renowned cardiologists and dieticians especially Dr William Davis, Dr Nadir Ali, Dr Jason Fung, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo, and Dr. Guido Kroemer for their innovative and appealing theories about wellbeing through diet and exercises. So, he decided to share success stories on YouTube for the benefit of humanity. In 2017, after being successful, floated the recipe of pomegranate seeds on WhatsApp groups. The recipe went viral, and hundreds of people benefited from the recipe. Today is the first time the recipe is being floated on YouTube.  

22.    Content Managers already have videos on the You Tube advocating treatment of various disorders with diet exercise and lifestyle changes, links for which are: Different articles on the subject are available for detailed reading at “https://www.Healthierhtips.blogspot.com.”  


23.     For detailed recommendations on lifestyle changes, diet and exercise, Contents Managers already have several videos on YouTube at “@Shazain88” and corresponding articles for detailed reading at https://www.healthierhtips.blogspot.com 


A Systematic Approach to Health Management  


24.    Outlining a Holistic Approach to Managing Conditions. In navigating the intricacies of health management, a call for a comprehensive approach echo through the corridors of medical discourse. By addressing health conditions from a holistic standpoint, the narrative underscores the interconnectedness of numerous factors – physical, mental, and lifestyle-related – in determining overall well-being.  


25.     Integrating Diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and Specific Supplements into Daily Life. Central to this systematic approach is the integration of fundamental elements into daily life: diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and specific supplements. The narrative delves into the importance of a well-balanced diet tailored to individual needs, the transformative power of regular physical activity, and the strategic use of supplements to complement nutritional requirements. This integration forms a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the body's natural processes, fostering sustainable health outcomes.  


26.     Addressing Common Health Issues Through Lifestyle Adjustments. The narrative takes a practical turn by addressing common health issues through lifestyle adjustments. From managing stress to enhancing sleep quality, the emphasis is on making incremental changes that have a profound impact on overall health. The section provides actionable insights into how lifestyle adjustments can become potent tools in preventing and managing a spectrum of health issues, promoting not only longevity but also an enhanced quality of life.  


The Call for Informed Activity  


27.     Empowering People to Assume a Sense of Ownership with Their Wellbeing. Implanted in the core of the developing medical services story is a reverberating call for people to hold onto command over their prosperity. This segment puts an emphasis on the proactive contribution of people in their well-being process, supporting educated decisions and empowering a sense regarding liability. The story challenges the detached job of being simple beneficiaries of clinical exhortation and champions a shift towards dynamic support in one's well-being choices.  


28.     The Significance of Progressive Training in Wellbeing Choices. Necessary to this call for informed activity is a determined accentuation on consistent instruction. The account highlights the unending requirement for people to keep up to date with the most recent advancements in medical care. It emphasizes the meaning of continuous schooling as a unique instrument to explore the complexities of clinical choices. By encouraging an outlook of interest and a promise to learn, people are enabled to settle on informed and nuanced well-being decisions. This end marks not an endpoint but rather an initiation — a source of inspiration for people, medical care experts, and society at large. It welcomes us to embrace a future where informed decisions prepare for a better, more enabled, and edified world.  




29.     Summing up the Central Issues. As we come to the end of this investigation of the developing medical care scene, an intelligent outline uncovers the central issues that have molded our excursion. From the conventional impression of clinical information to the ascent of a solid way of life draws near, each segment has added to disentangling the complicated embroidery of a groundbreaking period in medical services.  


30.   Building up the Requirement for Informed Decisions in Medical Care. A reverberation through the story is the basic requirement for informed decisions in medical care. The content has fastidiously featured the results of visually impaired adherence to clinical guidance, the impact of the drug business, and the predispositions in prior well-being research. By supporting the significance of pursuing choices established in information and decisive reasoning, the determination fills in as a clarion that requires a change in outlook by the way we approach our prosperity.  


31.     Moving a Shift Towards a More Engaged and Taught Way to Deal with Prosperity. The closing segment rises above a simple reiteration; it fills in as a motivation. It energizes an aggregate shift towards a more engaged and taught way to deal with prosperity. By recognizing the ascent of a sound way of life draws near, the job of youthful specialists in medical care upset, and the call for informed activity, the story paints a dream of a medical care scene where people are not latent beneficiaries but rather dynamic modelers of their wellbeing fates.  


32.     This end marks not an endpoint but rather an initiation — a source of inspiration for people, medical care experts, and society at large. It welcomes us to embrace a future where informed decisions prepare for a better, more enabled, and edified world.  




This article/blog contains information that is just meant to be informative and educational. Advice, diagnosis, or treatment related to medicine are not meant by this. For information about any medical issue or concern, always consult a licensed healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to use the information in this blog or article. If any liability, loss, or risk—personal or otherwise—occurs from using the information supplied, it is not the responsibility of the author(s) or publisher(s). Before making any big adjustments to your diet, exercise routine, or medical regimen, get advice from a healthcare provider. 

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